ich als frauThis search returns only one document containing the phrase sich als frau, which is not really what we wanted.
[iI]ch als [fF]rauThis query yields more matches but still the not specific phrase as the first one. In order to specify, that we search for the word "ich", we can use the word-boundary meta-character "\b":
\b[iI]ch als [fF]rauThis indeed yields only matches where the first word is "ich".
\b[iI]ch als\b[^\.\!\?]{0,30}\b[fF]rau\bThis search also finds the phrase ich als fußballbegeisterte Frau.
ELL | Ellipsis |
EMO | Emoticon |
EXCLAM | Exclamation |
HASHTAG | Twitter Hashtag |
LQUOT | Left quotation mark |
NUM | Number |
PUNCT | Punctuation |
RQUOT | Right quotation mark |
USER | Reference to user |
WORD | Word |
ABBR | Abbreviation |
CAP | Allcap orthography |
CCC | Character reduplication |
FIRSTNF | Female firstname |
FIRSTNM | Male firstname |
ITJ | Interjektion |
SWEAR | Swear word |
QUEST | Question |
ADJA | attributive Adjektive |
ADJD | prädikative oder adverbiale Adjektive |
ADV | Adverbien |
APPO | Postpositionen |
APPR | Präpositionen |
APPRART | Präpositionen mit Artikel |
APZR | Zirkumposition rechts |
ART | bestimmter/unbestimmter Artikel |
CARD | Kardinalzahlen |
CM | Komma |
KOKOM | Vergleichspartikel |
KON | nebenordnende Konjunktion |
KOUI | unterordnende Konjunktion mit Infinitiv |
KOUS | unterordnende Konjunktion mit Satz |
NE | Eigennamen |
NN | Nomina |
PAV | Pronominialadverbien |
PDAT | attribuierendes Demonstrativpronomen |
PDS | substituierendes Demonstrativpronomen |
PIAT | attribuierendes Indefinitpronomen ohne Determiner |
PIDAT | attribuierendes Indefinitpronomen mit Determiner |
PIS | substituierendes Indefinitpronomen |
PPER | irreflexives Personalpronomen |
PPOSAT | attributierendes Possessivpronomen |
PPOSS | substituierendes Possessivpronomen |
PRELAT | attributierendes Relativpronomen |
PRELS | substituierendes Relativpronomen |
PRF | reflexives Personalpronomen |
PTKA | Partikel bei Adjektiv oder Adverb |
PTKANT | Antwortpartikel |
PTKNEG | Negationspartikel |
PTKVZ | abgetrennter Verbzusatz |
PTKZU | zu vor Infinitiv |
PWAT | attributierendes Interrogativpronomen |
PWAV | adverbiales Interrogativpronomen |
PWS | substituierendes Interrogativpronomen |
SENT | Interpunktion am Satzende |
VAFIN | finite Auxiliarverben |
VAIMP | Auxiliarverben im Imperativ |
VAINF | Auxiliarverben im Infinitiv |
VAPP | Partizip Perfekt von Auxiliarverben |
VMFIN | finite Modalverben |
VMINF | Modalverben im Infinitiv |
VMPP | Partizip Perfekt von Modalverben |
VVFIN | finite Vollverben |
VVIMP | Vollverben im Imperativ |
VVINF | Vollverben im Infinitiv |
VVIZU | Vollverben im Infinitiv mit zu |
VVPP | Partizip Perfekt von Vollverben |
SENT1 | positive sentiment |
SENT2 | strong positive sentiment |
SENT3 | very strong positive sentiment |
SENT4 | extremely strong positive sentiment |
SENT1 | negative sentiment |
SENT2 | strong negative sentiment |
SENT3 | very strong negative sentiment |
SENT4 | extremely strong negative sentiment |
LIWC1 | Pronoun |
LIWC2 | I |
LIWC3 | We |
LIWC4 | Self |
LIWC5 | You |
LIWC6 | Other |
LIWC7 | Negate |
LIWC8 | Assent |
LIWC9 | Article |
LIWC10 | Preps |
LIWC11 | Numbers |
LIWC12 | Affect |
LIWC13 | Positive emotion |
LIWC14 | Positive feeling |
LIWC15 | Optimism |
LIWC16 | Negative emotion |
LIWC17 | Anxiety |
LIWC18 | Anger |
LIWC19 | Sad |
LIWC20 | Cognitive mechanism |
LIWC21 | Cause |
LIWC22 | Insight |
LIWC23 | Discrepancy |
LIWC24 | Inhibition |
LIWC25 | Tentative |
LIWC26 | Certain |
LIWC27 | Senses |
LIWC28 | See |
LIWC29 | Hear |
LIWC30 | Feel |
LIWC31 | Social |
LIWC32 | Communication |
LIWC33 | Other reference |
LIWC34 | Friends |
LIWC35 | Family |
LIWC36 | Humans |
LIWC37 | Time |
LIWC38 | Past |
LIWC39 | Present |
LIWC40 | Future |
LIWC41 | Space |
LIWC42 | Up |
LIWC43 | Down |
LIWC44 | Incl |
LIWC45 | Excl |
LIWC46 | Motion |
LIWC47 | Occup |
LIWC48 | School |
LIWC49 | Job |
LIWC50 | Achieve |
LIWC51 | Leisure |
LIWC52 | Home |
LIWC53 | Sports |
LIWC54 | TV |
LIWC55 | Music |
LIWC56 | Money |
LIWC57 | Metaph |
LIWC58 | Relig |
LIWC59 | Death |
LIWC60 | Physical |
LIWC61 | Body |
LIWC62 | Sex |
LIWC63 | Eat |
LIWC64 | Sleep |
LIWC65 | Grooming |
LIWC66 | Swear |
LIWC67 | Non-fluency |
LIWC68 | Filler |
CREATE TABLE annotation ( msg_id integer, label_id integer, annotator_id integer, start integer, end integer ); CREATE TABLE annotator ( id integer primary key autoincrement, name text, login text ); CREATE TABLE gender ( user_id integer, gender char, how text, -- how the gender information was established assigned_by text ); CREATE TABLE label ( id integer primary key autoincrement, group_id integer, name text, descr text, color text ); CREATE TABLE label_group ( id integer primary key autoincrement, descr text ); CREATE TABLE msg ( id integer primary key autoincrement, resource_id integer, relpos integer, -- relative position within the resource date datetime, user text, text text ); CREATE TABLE quotation ( msg_id integer, relpos integer, -- relative position within the msg text text ); CREATE TABLE resource ( id integer primary key autoincrement, type text, topic text, descr text, code text, host text, dominance char, -- F, M, G length_restr integer, url text, file text ); CREATE TABLE user ( id integer primary key autoincrement, host text, screen_name text, name text );